Thursday, July 6, 2017

ChocolateyGUI Invalid Path with OneGet

So recently while browsing around some stuff about about Windows 10, I found out about OneGet. This is a package manager manager in Powershell. I think this could be super useful. So one of the package managers I added was Chocolatey. I also wanted to install the GUI for I figure it may be easier to browse packages that way. Upon installation and execution, I got met with a huge error screen along the lines of:

System.IO.InvalidDataException: invalid Chocolatey Path. Check that chocolateyInstall is correct in the app.config

So on and so fourth. After reading through the git page on this error and taking some time to consider the confusion around "how did you install chocolatey?" I realized that specifically it's not actually installed when you just add it to OneGet. So here's the fix. After you add chocolatey, you need to INSTALL it. Just like this:

Install-Package chocolatey

After that, it should run without a hitch. Hope this helps someone out there. Package managers are great, aren't they?

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